Our Disclosure
At Oppo Cars Ltd, we are committed to providing you with clear and transparent information
about the products and services we offer. As part of our dedication to adhering to the
Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Consumer Duty standards, we have prepared this Initial
Disclosure Document (IDD) to ensure you have all the essential details before making any
decisions regarding our financial products and services.
About us
Oppo Cars Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales at Registered address:
500 Gale Street, Dagenham, RM9 4NU. Company Number: 11410933.
Who regulates us?
Oppo Cars Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Firm
Reference Number FRN930043.
You can check these details on the Financial Conduct Authority website;
http://www.fca.org.uk or by contacting the FCA directly on 0800 111 6768.
Our permitted regulated business activities are:
Credit broking, debt adjusting and debt counselling on a commercial basis.
Our regulated Services
We can offer a range of financial products and services to help you with the purchase of
your vehicle. These include:
• Hire Purchase (HP): A finance option where you can spread the cost of the vehicle
over an agreed-upon term. Ownership transfers to you upon completion of all
• Personal Contract Purchase (PCP): A flexible finance option that allows you to lower
your monthly payments by deferring a part of the vehicle’s cost to the end of the
agreement. You have the option to purchase the vehicle, return it, or part-exchange
it at the end of the term.
Oppo Cars Ltd is a credit broker not a lender.
Our fees and charges
We do not charge our customers any fees for our credit broking services or for the
cancellation of a credit agreement with a credit provider on our panel.
The lender we introduce you to, we will typically receive commission from them. This will
either be a fixed fee or a percentage of the amount you borrow. The lenders we work with
may pay commission at different rates however the amount of commission that we receive from a lender does not have an effect on the amount that you pay to the lender under your
credit agreement.
The FCA expects regulated firms to ensure that customers are aware of the existence and
amount of any commission, before the credit agreement is entered into, if any of the
following apply:
● from the customer’s perspective, the commission could have unduly influenced the
broker into recommending or offering a particular product
● knowing about the existence or amount of the commission would materially impact
the customer’s decision in entering the credit agreement
● the customer has formally requested details of the commission.
What are we required to disclose?
We are required to disclose the existence of commission and upon request the amount of
commission we receive for the introduction of a Credit agreement.
When can a customer request this?
A Customer may ask for commission disclosure at any time from our initial discussions
through to the point when their agreement is set live. In line with our company policy all a
commission disclosure shall be provided within 5 business days.
How do I request a commission disclosure?
If you would like to request, we disclose any commission, please make your request to:
In writing:
Oppo Cars Ltd
500 Gale Street,
RM9 4NU.
Email: oppocarsltd@gmail.com
Please note that you are not obligated to use any of the financial products we introduce you
to, and you have the freedom to explore alternatives.
Credit Searches
All lenders will conduct a full search (please be aware that full credit searches may leave a
negative footprint on your credit profile even if you are not provided with a credit facility by
any of the credit providers on our panel).
If the first lender we approach is unable to offer you a credit facility, we may then approach
another suitable lender on our panel. Prior to signing a credit agreement with any lender,
they will inform you about any credit search they plan to undertake on your personal
The information you provide to us
You must take reasonable care to ensure that all information you, or anyone acting on your
behalf, give us verbally and/or in writing when arranging a credit agreement is true and
accurate as failure to provide accurate information could result in your regulated credit
agreement with a third-party credit provider being void.
If you are in doubt about what you need to tell us, please contact us.
How we use your data
Your personal data is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Some or all of
your information collected by us will be recorded electronically and may be shared with the
lenders and brokers with whom we are partnered with, in order to obtain the most suitable
lender and finance product that we have available to us.
Your personal data will only be processed under the agreed authorisation you have provided
to us. Further information regarding how we use your data is detailed within our Privacy
Notice which will have been issued to you via email and can also be requested in writing.
Why might this service be unsuitable for you?
Upon referral to our credit provider/s, they will assess your financial situation. If the
provider/s feels that the products, they have available will not suit your financial situation,
they will be unable to offer you a credit facility. However, you may decide to look into other
providers of credit if you wish to do so.
Before you enter into any financial agreement with any of our credit providers, please
ensure that you have considered your personal circumstances and ability to afford to repay
the amount of credit that you apply for, for the term of the agreement.
The consequences of late payment If you do not keep up the agreed repayments on the
credit arrangement you set up with the credit provider, you may have legal action taken
against you and your credit score may be affected for up to 6 years.
You have the right to cancel a regulated credit agreement within 14 days of signing. After
this point, your rights may be affected, and fees and charges may be added by your credit
You can cancel your agreement by notifying the lender that provides you with a credit
agreement, directly in writing.
How to make a complaint
We aim to ensure that all our customers are happy with the services we provide, if however,
you have any cause to make a complaint you should us, either in writing or by telephone.
We will handle your complaint fairly, transparently, and in accordance with the FCA’s
If you wish to register a complaint, please contact us:
In writing: Complaints, Oppo Cars Ltd, 500 Gale Street, Dagenham, RM9 4NU.
By phone: 0203 7459192
Or email: oppocarsltd@gmail.com
If you can’t settle your complaint with us you may be entitled to refer to the Financial
Ombudsman Service, Exchange Quay, London, E14 9SR.
We hope this Initial Disclosure Document has provided you with a clear overview of our
business and the products and services we offer. If you have any questions or require further
information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This document will be provided to you in writing or via email before entering into any
financial agreement with us, ensuring you have enough time to review and consider its
content. Please take the time to read this document carefully before making any decisions.